Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I'm going to avoid writing an apology to the blogosphere about not having posted in so long. (Wait, balls...did I just do it anyway?)

15 minutes a day. I can do that.

A collection of today's thoughts, in a not-terribly-well-organized fashion:

1) I have realized that my entire quarter-life crisis is summed up in 4 xkcd comics, at least two of which I have already posted earlier.


I owe a lot to Randall Munroe. Thanks for your eloquence.

2) Resolutions. Not a new year, not a new month, not even a new week - but at the very least a new day. And if I post them here, I feel a slightly stronger sense of accountability.

- do NOT get complacent at my (now higher-paying) job at which I am learning nothing
- do NOT get complacent, generally - actively seek out new and interesting things
- do NOT forget that this is, by design, an adventure
- DO cook more
- DO write more
- DO create more (this, I suppose, can be partially satisfied by the previous two bullets)
- DO get over how these resolutions seem trite and cliche and recognize them for their simple truths

Oh, and I'd like to become an expert on whisky/whiskey.

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