Thursday, March 11, 2010


While I have the beginnings of a fleshed-out log of my first month experiences (and, more importantly, my thought and emotion evolutions), it's not quite ready. And unfortunately, I've been using this as a reason not to post anything - but a dear friend helped convince me that this kind of writing is a discipline, and I should be doing it daily anyway. So here goes, with an apology if there are references to things that will only be included in retrospective entries at some point in the future.

I need a new job - pretty badly. Granted, it has been nice to have some relative financial stability at a time in my life where nearly everything else has been anything but stable...however, simply put, this is not the experience I was looking for. Being broke might be a better life experience than hanging out with Excel all day. I thrive on interaction with others, and this job doesn't provide me with even a little bit of that.

However, there are leads - a friend (who barely knows me) has landed me a gig working (irregularly) for an alcohol promotions company. This friend has also potentially gotten me an interview with a prominent modeling agency in the city. And another near-stranger (from whom I will likely be renting a room come April) might be able to get me an in leading Segway tours on the Embarcadero downtown. And I made some bones yesterday doing a quick arrangement for a high school a cappella group.

Yessir, things are happening.

There is a lot that I don't know right now. Uncertainty abounds. But dammit I'm trying, and that's really all a guy can do.

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