Saturday, January 23, 2010

i get a little help

Thinking back on the process that led me to the decision to leave my program for a year, there are few things that would have served as real deal-breakers along the way. Disapproval from friends, family, other faculty - it would have been hard to take, but ultimately I think I would have realized that this was the right choice for me, even without their backing. However, one person whose support I desperately needed was my adviser's. This whole ordeal (which is really only just beginning) could have gone in an entirely different direction if not for this incredibly understanding and supportive woman. Among other anecdotes, this most recent one takes the cake.

Two days ago, I got an e-mail from the organization from whom I had gotten a grant this past summer, and who (was) funding me for the next two years. When I received the grant, my advisor had given me the go-ahead to order a brand new MacBook Pro - which I did, and which I currently love. The e-mail that I got two days ago informed me that, since the grant funds had paid for the computer, and since I hadn't finished out my term on the grant, I would have to surrender the computer to them. Fuck me sideways, right?

While it would have been entirely legitimate for my computer to be taken away, a lucky turn of events and an amazingly generous call on my advisor's part made my otherwise-depressing day an uplifting one. As it happened, the check from my granting organization had not yet gone through, so the computer was technically paid for out of my adviser's (grant) pocket. So she told them to simply cancel the check. The computer was on her, and she wanted me to have it.

(Did I mention she's also taking me and the rest of the lab out for dinner and drinks on Tuesday, as a send-off for me? It's almost too good to be true.)

Thank you, CK, for everything. I truly cannot wait to come back and continue working with you.

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